There are some places throughout Niagara and Canada that pretend to offer abortion support to people who are pregnant, but are actually anti-abortion Christian agencies that purposefully mislead clients and provide false information in an effort to prevent a person from accessing abortion. These are called Crisis Pregnancy Centres and they should be avoided.
There are four Crisis Pregnancy Centres in Niagara that should be avoided. They are:
- South Niagara Life Centre Ministries – Fort Erie and Port Colbourne (two locations)
- Grimsby Life Centre – Grimsby
- Niagara Life Centre – St. Catharines
- Clarity Pregnancy Options – Welland and St. Catharines (two locations)
- Previously known as Elisha House
- They also run Insight Biblical Counselling and work with Unborn Images 3D 4D Ultrasound Studio.
As many pregnant folks seeking abortion are often referred to Hamilton, here is a list of CPC’s in the area to avoid.
- Hamilton Right to Life
- Birthright Hamilton
- Atwell Centre – Hamilton
- Project Rachel (Diocese of Hamilton)
Be careful when seeking support. Check out our anti-choice organizations page to find out how to identify organizations that you may want to avoid.